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Deadline for submissions: March 28th 2022
Guidelines for abstract submissions
Individual papers
Paper presentations will be allocated a maximum of 30 minutes, including questions. The maximum length of the abstracts for individual paper proposals (for one or more authors) should be 300 words, excluding references. Abstracts should clearly describe the methodology, context, the kinds of data used, and analytic findings.
​​Panel proposals (colloquia)
Limited places will be allocated to panels (colloquia), which are centred around a theme related to the conference. A colloquium proposal should include an abstract (500 words max), introducing the theme and each contribution briefly. Each individual presentation (minimum 3 up to 5-6 presentations) should be added to the same submission document in the proposed order of presentation (100 words per paper). The organizer(s) can invite a discussant to the session, and they are responsible from managing time allocated to each session and to the discussion time. Timing should be arranged within 30 minute slots (minimum 1 hour, maximum 4 hours). Suggested timing should be included in the proposal.
There will be time slots dedicated to poster presentations. The maximum length of the abstracts for posters should be 300 words, excluding references. Abstracts should clearly describe the methodology, context, the kinds of data used, and analytic findings.
Number of proposals per author is limited to 2: one as principal author, the other as co-author.
Principal authors are responsible for registering to attend the conference and all co-presenters listed on the proposal submission should be registered for the conference.
Extension of deadline!
Registration fees
Regular fees: 230€
Student fees:150€ (proof of student status required)
Workshop fees: 55€
​Notes: Fees do NOT include meals, gala dinner or accomodation.
Due to Covid 19 and world production shortages, the prices of the venue and catering for refreshment breaks have gone up for 2022. We have had to adapt the fees accordingly.